First Christian Church of Weston



Damon (Doc) A. Gardner Sr. and his wife, Ginger have three grown children, Konni, Damon Jr., Austin, and two children still living at home, Connor and Riley.  They have four grandsons and one

Doc enlisted in the United States Army in 1989 and served 16 ½ years being assigned to many Posts and Campaigns during his service.  He served with the 82nd Airborne Division during the Panama conflict in 1989 and attended and graduated from the Special Forces Qualification Course in 1991 where he was assigned to the 10 of the 1st Special Forces Group at Fort Carson, CO as an 18D-Medial Sargent (Combat
Medic – where he received his nickname).  He served as a forward operation team during the Gulf War, was involved in numerous other assignments in Bosnia, Kosovo, Somalia, Turkey, and Iraq.  Doc received his honorable discharge with the rank of Sargent First Class in 2005.

Doc came into ministry shortly after his discharge from the US Army and has worked with many outreach ministries and churches in Indianapolis and its surrounding communities, serving the homeless, and military veterans.  He was brought on as the Associate Pastor / Children’s Minister with Journey Christian Church in Brownsburg, Indiana where he was later ordained after several years of service.  He later became the Senior Pastor of GAP Community Church in Thorntown, Indiana and had served there for 5 years, working with other churches and community leaders with children outreaches, and local school programs.

Apart from ministry, Doc works for Cambium Networks as the Services Manager of Professional Services of North America.  He has worked in the telecommunications industry for many years in network development and deployment, tower site construction and network integrations with ATT, Sprint, Verizon and T-Mobile in a wide range of positions from Operations Manager to Regional Project
Management & Operations Director.

His education includes:
· B.A., Business Administration, Texas Southern University
· M.A., Christian Counseling, Andersonville Theological Seminary
· DTh., Pastoral Leadership, Andersonville Theological Seminary

Doc’s passion is for his family, people and outreach and is an advocate for Autism Speaks, the Polaris Project, and Feed the Children.  His hobbies are fishing, hunting, working out, reading, outdoor hikes with the boys and playing board games with the family, and of course, barbecuing and taste testing different brownie recipes.  

Pastor, Dr. Damon "Doc" Gardner

Secretary, Karen Chilton
Treasurer, Danielle Raper

​Pianist, Gloria Kautz